Definition of hypertension
*Hypertension is defined as levels of office systolic BP >140 mmHg and levels of diastolic BP >90mmHg.
Classification of blood pressure
*BP Should be classified according to office BP as optimal,normal, high-normal or grades 1-3 hypertension.
Office blood pressure
SBP(mmHg) Optimal <120, Normal<120-129,High normal<130-139
DBP(mmHg)Optimal<80,Normal<80-84,High normal<85-89
Abbreviations:SBP,systolic blood pressure; DBP,diastolic blood pressure.
Definitions of hypertension grades.
SBP (mmHg):Grade 1-140-159,Grade 2-160-179,Grade 3->180
DBP(mmHg):Grade 2-90-99,Grade-100-109,Grade->110
Blood pressure measurement
*BP may be measured either in the doctor’s office or at Home.
*An important consideration is the BP should be measured carefully by means of a validated device.
BP measuring device
Accurate LED Sphygmomanometer
Paramed manual blood pressure cuff with carring case and Sthethoscope.
Automatic Blood pressure monitor. (Omron,Diamond,Dr Morepen bp monitor,Omron Complete ECG Machine+BP moniter )